Monday, November 25, 2013

Filippino Lippi Leaves Rome to Complete Strozzi Chapel

In 1487, Filippino Lippi was commissioned by Filippo di Matteo Strozzi to decorate his chapel in Florence.  The project was completed in 1502, fifteen years later.  As we know, Filippino Lippi went to Rome in 1488 to work on the Carafa Chapel.  This, in part, explains the gap.

Filippino Lippi's patron, Filippo di Matteo Strozzi, was born 4 July 1428 to a prominent family in Florence.  In 1434, his father was banished from the city and, one year later, died from the plague.  The family fell on hard times and, at a early age, Filippo was determined to rebuild their wealth.  In 1441, he left Florence for Palermo.  In 1446, he was in Spain.  And, in 1447, he settled in Naples to work for his cousin in the finance business.  By 1455, he was one of the correspondents of the Medici bank.

In 1458, a decree in Florence was enacted that banished for twenty-five years the sons and descendents of those that had been exiled in 1434.  This devastated Filippo di Matteo Strozzi as he was determined to make his was back to Florence and re-establish the family's name and wealth.  He remained in Naples and was joined by his younger brother, Lorenzo, in 1461.  The brothers achieved financial power and personal influence.  In an attempt to gain favor and to influence a retraction of the decree, the brothers began to lavish the king and his court with gifts and loans.  In 1466, amnesty was granted to a number of banished citizens, including Filippo and Lorenzo.
Filippo di Matteo Strozzi returned to Florence within two weeks of the amnesty.  He married Fiametto Adimari who was from a prominent family there.  A son was born the following year, in 1467.  The Strozzi business and wealth was growing only to be augmented by Filippo's inheritance from his cousin.

In 1475, Filippo commissioned a life-sized bust from Benedetto da Maiano.

With his family status restored, Filippo di Matteo Strozzi became earnest in his religious beliefs and joined the confraternity of San Benedetto Bianco.  Thee group met regularly at Santa Maria Novella, the future home of the Strozzi Chapel.  At this time, Filippo used his wealth to restore many churches.  He also purchased properties to enhance the family name.

In my next post, we will begin our discussion and tour the Strozzi Chapel.


  1. It is amazing at what lengths he went to in order to gain respect for his family name once again.

  2. Very interesting to hear details about this family, once enemies of the Medici.
    Today their palace in Florence is probably the most magnificent, and holds fantastic exhibitions, like the upcoming Pontormo/Rosso one (featuring Rosso's
    Descent from the Cross) which our group may just be missing next February . . .
