Monday, September 23, 2013

Filippino Lippi - Background

Filippino Lippi was born in 1456 to Fra Filippo Lippi and Lucrezia Buti, a nun.  He is considered among the most gifted and accomplished Florentine painters of the late Quattrocento in Italy.  Filippino was first trained as an artist and draftsman by his father and then by Sandro Botticelli in 1472.  After his time with Botticelli, Filippino Lippi went out on his own, having mastered the techniques of these two maestros.

Filippino Lippi's early style included animated form and line with the use of warm color.  In 1475-1480, he painted Tobias and the Angel which now hangs in the National Gallery in Washington, D.C.


The subject of Tobias was popular at this time among the merchants who had family members traveling to far-off places.  In 1496, Filippino Lippi painted the Adoration of the Magi which can be seen in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.  This panel was painted for the convent of San Donato agli Scopeli to substitute the unfinished one started by Leonardo da Vinci.  Lippi has developed a greater care to detail and a more energetic use of forms.

This painting is said to be inspired by the Botticelli work of the same name and, like that work, includes members of the Medici family.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting statement on Leonardo's early years as a master (include author and p. now). Also tell us your souces on Filippino. Can you find the influential Botticelli Adoration of the Magi (with the Medici) in the Uffizi to show us? AND can you find those romantic paintings from the 19th c of Fra Filippo Lippi and the nun?
